Urban Dictionary:
The ultimate sign of disrespect in the modern world. Might as well slap them across the face with their own hand made belt that used their own back skin. Then you will also be looked down upon by your friends and you ex's friends for most likely. Ever.
so basically this is what happened to me over the weekend. I'm sitting in my room all excited over this new guy who i'm talking to, he's smart, funny, good looking and he expresses to me all of the time that i have all of the same attractive qualities that any guy would want. Right when i thought things were going great i get a text saying, we should just be friends.....i'll hit you up later shawty. (blank stare) At first i thought it was some type of joke, a really, realy REALLY sick joke. But no,no he's dead serious. I got dumped in a text message......What a fuckin lame.