Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I don't know, sexing is a touchy subject. The most logical answer would to be to say no to it. To be honest "average" people should not sext it just look unappealing and tacky.But if you were to send a naked pic or two make sure  your stuffed animals arent in the background or the mirror your taking the picture from isnt filled with water stains.

pictures have been jacked from www.youknowyoudeadazzwrong.com

OH JEEZ....the best part

GLEE IS Back on every one I just love, love, love this show. Its nothing like seeing 30something year olds pretend like their in highschool, while prancing around singing todays "urban music"

and theres that sexy mofo with the mohawk!
(i love it when you sing to me)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kill yo self !!!!

I reallllllllly hate these types of girls......But i must admit, that Hawaiian silky number 2 weave she has is kinda cute though. (smh)
(For a second there i thought she was mentally ill)

Text Message Break up...

 Urban Dictionary:
The ultimate sign of disrespect in the modern world. Might as well slap them across the face with their own hand made belt that used their own back skin. Then you will also be looked down upon by your friends and you ex's friends for most likely. Ever.
 so basically this is what happened to me over the weekend.  I'm sitting in my room all excited over this new guy who i'm talking to, he's smart, funny, good looking and he expresses to me all of the time that i have all of the same attractive qualities that any guy would want. Right when i thought things were going great i get a text saying, we should just be friends.....i'll hit you up later shawty. (blank stare) At first i thought it was some type of joke, a really, realy REALLY sick joke. But no,no he's dead serious. I got dumped in a text message......What a fuckin lame.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Thoughts: PART 1

 My thoughts are if you attract some one crazy what the hell does that say about you. Do we as people have a right to have standards even though we all have flaws. The whole beauty is in the eye of the beholder is straight up crap, it was just a way to make an ugly person not feel so bad. We as people are naturally insecure,and threatened by every thing with legs, competing with each other to get the next best thing (person). So why do we do this? Women we wear push up bras, pounds of makeup and get obsessed with the slightest ideal of "i wounder if he likes me if i do this." I have come to a conclusion that we do these crazy and obserded things to prepare us for the future. The women with the largest breast and the prettiest face will win the inticising and successful male, thus in the end creating grade A children. And the cycle repeats its self. So, if your a not such an attractive, intelligent, or creative person. Chances are your mother and/or father were not motivated.

School randomness

School really does suck. My headaches from looking up microeconomics on collegeboard  and infierno cansado de asno (tired as hell) from looking up Spanish terms just to keep up. These next five months will be the longest and hardest. I just need to breath deep carry a back up set of ear phones to blast my Cat Steves music (it relaxes me) and just remember I WONT SEE ANY OF THESE HOES AFTER THESE NEXT FIVE MONTHS.