Monday, December 28, 2009


My time in Galveston


(Love my shoes)
So my family and I decided to go and see the musical CATS. (woooooo! i know) It actually was pretty nice. If i could sing and dance i would consider a future in Broadway.

Sunday, December 20, 2009




i think next year i'll have more black dudes until then......

A Christmas Carol that applies to every one this year.....



(Fine steak sandwich with garlic crème)

(I mess with sopapillas)



Saturday, December 19, 2009

oh snap i actually think he's making a come back...

I still can't get the fact out of my head that he can beat the shit out of me at any moment...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Things that Annoy me

1. People (rednecks) who wear camoflouge everywhere, to wall mart, to the grocery store, to school. Its very irritating.
2. People who clam their from the "hood" like its a good thing.
3.Incure chicks that you haft to watch what you say around them because they might catch a "bitch fit"
4. People who talk about their life 24/7 but when you want to talk about yours they want to change the subject and talk about them again.
5. Black people to talk whiter than white people. "Like Oh My Freaking Gosh Mom your such and Idiot."
6.People who send me messages like this. "Ah gUh WhAt YoU BeN."
7. Ugly boys that approach me like "Whats up Ma." ........WTF Ma?
8.My father who feels the need to smile and strike up conversations with homeless people who smell like piss.
9. Mothers who let their children run around Wallmart like it's the McDonalds play pin.
10.People who keep asking me why i do not have a boyfriend.
11. People who feel the need to call me Dog, G, and Nigga when i do not know even talk like that or even know them.
12. Mexicans to speak spanish in my ear. (I don't know what your saying their fore its irritating.)
13. Mr. Chavez who failed me in Spanish my freshman year. Because of him I hate the launguge.
14. Cute boys with ass Ugly girls.
15. My father who blames every non accomplishment on racism.
16. People who try to make their lifes seam intreasting when you know their not doing a thing.
17. People who smell like cigarette smoke and  perfume  (you still smell)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


FACT: White people love Will Smith

So i'm sitting in my English class, annoyed as usual that the white girls next to me will
NOT stop talking. As i look at the clock which says I have another 30 minutes to spend in hell hole the topic of Will Smith pops out of the one girls mouth. Suddenly the panties pop off of every white chick and jeanen's (their other token black chick) For 20min strait they go on and on about how much they love his moives and tv show, and oh how great he looks with out a shirt. An so on and FREAKIN SO ON. By this time i want to kil my self and Will Smith.  After hearing this conversation more than 3 times by 3  different white girl clicks  I have learned that White People love Will Smith.

Sometimes all it takes is a chart to make you think....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009



Saturday, November 21, 2009

MY NEW BABY DADDY ALLERT!!! (Taylor Lautner)


Lautner was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan the son of Deborah, who works for a software development
 company, and Daniel Lautner, a commercial airline pilot.  He was raised in Hudsonville,Michigan, and attended Jamestown Elementary School until the age of eleven. Lautner is of mostlyDuth, French and German descent, and claims some Native American specifically Ottawa and Potawatomi) ancestry through his mother. He has a younger sister, Makena.

I'm about to go see New Moon just for his SIX PACK.